While all projects are unique, most manuscripts are created in 3 main stages.
Here's a look at how the process for my Standard Package works.
Free 30-minute Discovery Call
We'll chat to see if we're a good fit and address all your questions.
Stage 1: Development
3 months on average
W​e'll start by positioning your book's core concept, target audience, ROI goals, narrative structure, chapter-by-chapter outline, desired publishing path, and other strategic considerations. Once we've laid the foundation, we'll record our content interviews.
3 Positioning Calls​
1 Table of Contents Call
4 Chapter Outline Calls
12 Content Interview Calls
(Packages A & B include unlimited calls.)
You'll leave Stage 1 with:
A comprehensive written plan for your book​
​All content interview recordings and transcripts
Stage 2: Writing
3 months on average
After workshopping the tone, voice, and style of your prose together, ​I'll use the transcripts from our recordings to write the first draft of your manuscript. The content will be shared with you in 4 consecutive chunks so you can check out your work-in-progress and share big-picture feedback as it comes together.
25% Progress Call
50% Progress Call
75% Progress Call
100% Progress Call
You'll leave Stage 2 with:
The full first draft of your manuscript
Stage 3: Revisions
3 months on average... though this can vary widely!
​Once you have your first draft, we'll work through 3 rounds of revisions: a developmental edit, a line edit, and a copy edit. I'll then have a professional 3rd-party proofreader do a final pass through your manuscript to ensure nothing slips past our attention. We'll also conduct beta reader testing for additional outsider feedback as we finalize.
Once we've locked the content, I'll transfer ownership of copyright of your manuscript and all associated materials to your name.
12 Revisions Calls
1 Developmental Editing Pass
1 Line Editing Pass
1 Copy Editing Pass
1 Proofreading Pass
Transfer of Copyright
(Packages A & B include unlimited calls and editing rounds within a two-year timeline.)
You'll leave Stage 3 with:
The final draft of your manuscript
Eternal copyright ownership of all associated content
Assistance With Next Steps
Whether you seek traditional publishing, self-publishing, or hybrid publishing, I can help you transition toward the next steps of your journey. I'll provide strategic knowledge about the best options available to you and refer you to my contacts in the publishing world. There's a bewildering number of excellent choices out there, so it helps to know who's who.
And when your book comes out...
We celebrate, dammit! WOOOO!!

What movie are all these GIFs from?O Brother, Where Art Thou?, the Coen brothers classic.
You mentioned big, sexy discounts on your homepage. Tell me more.Yes! Here's how the perks work: 1. Authors who refer other cool people to my business are eligible for a 5% rebate. If you recommend Bonafide Ink to someone who ends up signing my contract by your book's release date, you'll get a tasty slice of your total payment back. 2. Get $10,000 off the cost of packages A, B, C, or D by agreeing to credit me by name in the acknowledgments section at the back of your book. You can call me your ghostwriter, book coach, co-author, fairy godmother, or whatever term feels best. A drunken shout-out will do, really. "Peggyyyyyy!!" The value for me is in your formal permission to include your project in my portfolio when I tell other people (namely prospective clients) about my business. It's a lovely privilege to be able to talk about my authors and their books.
How are your calls handled?All calls are conducted online and recorded via Zoom.
How can I pay you?Payments can be made via credit card, debit card, and bank transfer. Invoices will be sent to your email address with step-by-step instructions to make payments easy.
What if my manuscript ends up exceeding the word limit I agreed to originally?A word-overage charge of $300 per 1,000 words will be added to your final invoice. If you anticipate needing a considerably longer manuscript, we can discuss working this into the original scope of your contract.
What if I end up needing additional calls?All out-of-scope work will be added to the following invoice at an hourly rate of $150. For unlimited calls, choose package A or B.
Do you hold specialized knowledge in any specific areas?Yes! These are my areas of specialty: - spirituality, meditation, yoga, personal development, energy work, and all manner of woo - pop psychology, complex trauma, somatic healing, subconscious rewiring, neuroscience 101 - sexuality, relationships, attachment, kink, ethical non-monogamy, dating culture, sex ed - travel, international affairs, Japanese culture, Thai culture, foreign languages, linguistics - entrepreneurship, marketing, startup culture, business coaching, wealth empowerment - feminism, women's issues, women's rights, female empowerment, and all things girl boss - tarot, witchcraft, magic, psychic abilities, supernatural forces, and secrets of the occult
What are the 3 stages of the process like for authors?Stages 1 and 2 tend to be a lot of fun. All you have to do is prepare for our calls, offer relevant content during interviews, and provide big-picture feedback. Stage 3 requires more effort and nitty-gritty involvement. You'll be asked to dive into your manuscript, suggest specific changes, and help me cut any fluff during revisions. While this can feel like a lot, every step is necessary. Intricate, detailed edits will take your manuscript from good to great.
What are some typical reasons people write non-fiction books?Most authors write non-fiction books because they want to: - lay out their personal or professional ethos for the world - offer innovative solutions to modern problems - connect with audiences that share their interests and beliefs - inspire transformational shifts in the lives of their readers - help others get past obstacles they've conquered in the past - create a cohesive, digestible embodiment of their work - leave an eternal legacy via memoir I can help you with all these aims and more.
Will the book royalties I earn make me stinking rich?Nope! People make very little money off book royalties these days. Most authors publish their books as part of a larger brand strategy that generates income in other ways. I can help you brainstorm.
How do you compare to other ghostwriters?There are ultra-speedy ghostwriters out there who can get you a first draft in a handful of weeks. I can't do that for you, nor would I try. In my humble opinion, the creative process takes time and certain aspects of a manuscript need a chance to marinate. Writing a great book is a marathon for me, not a sprint.
What hours are you available?I'm available by text, email, or Zoom (by appointment) Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. PT (California time). Author contracts include 30 minutes of correspondence time per week. Additional correspondence will be billed as out-of-scope work.
Do you ever travel to authors for in-person work?Yes. I'm open to traveling for in-person collaboration, especially during the interview phase. Authors must cover all travel and accommodation expenses in addition to hours worked. Please let me know if you're interested in meeting in person at the outset of your project so I can include it in your scope.
What if I need to pause the project?If you need to pause the project, a monthly retainer fee of $5,000 must be paid to keep the project active. If you choose to stop the project altogether, future availability can't be guaranteed once you're ready to restart.
Do I have to credit you on my book cover?Nope! You're the author and your book is your intellectual property, not mine.
Who owns the copyright to the books you ghostwrite?Copyright ownership is transferred to the author at the end of the project after the final payment has been made.
What if I need to make big changes to the content during revisions?If more than 10% of the first draft needs a complete rewrite, a renegotiation of scope will be needed.
Can you read my blog / books / other existing materials in preparation for writing my manuscript?Yes! Packages A & B include preliminary research of this sort.
Peggy is one of the best book coaches with whom I've had the privilege of
working. The incredible compassion and care she brings to each of her author relationships helps both her and her authors get to the core of their best ideas. Peggy considers each project's needs and goals deeply, and brings order to chaos with book structures that help authors express their mission and help readers integrate the teachings in their lives. An engaging writer and sharp editor, Peggy delivers nothing less than excellence to her authors, and she's helped more than one author who felt lost on the book journey find their way and their words again. As a creative collaborator, Peggy doesn't just care about the books she creates, but also the people she serves.

—Emily Gindlesparger, cherished mentor, ghostwriter, book coach, and author